Friday, June 24, 2011

The Moon

© Billy Vazquez @ VAO, Webster, NY
The Moon, now through an 80mm apochromatic refractor in the early morning hours of June 21st, 2011 from VAO in Webster , NY.   I used the Lumenera Skynyx 2.0M camera to image a sequence lasting 90.32 seconds.   I generated 444 FITS images from this sequence and used RegiStax to stack the best 70% of the images and combined them.  Then use the Wavelet Filter from RegiStax to come up with the image you see on the right.   Not bad for a cloudy night.   Not bad for a minute and a half of Moon time.

Next, I present you 30 seconds of raw unedited video for your viewing pleasure.  Keep an eye for the clouds rolling in.   Enjoy!


  1. That is a fantastic image of the moon! Wow!

  2. Thanks Christine. Even under not so great conditions, the magic of how signal to noise ratio on a shot noise limited regime works allows me to stack several images to increase signal at the expense of just the square root of the increased noise.
